Friday, February 18, 2011

The Mistress

Just read a couple quote´s from Eva Braun. Stumbled upon it while in class.

  • There is only one thing I want. I would like to be seriously ill, and to hear nothing more about him for at least a week. Why doesn't something happen to me? Why do I have to go through all this? If only I had never set eyes on him! 
  • I am so infinitely happy that he loves me so much, and I pray that it will always be like this. It won't be my fault if he ever stops loving me.
  • He has so often told me he is madly in love with me, but what does that mean when I haven't had a good word from him in three months? 

Wow, she really did love Hitler but non the less she knew what he was and she knew how he treated her, well love is blind right. You overlook everything that might become a deal-breaker when it comes to true love. Well that´s at least what I am afraid of, wouldn´t want to be the mistress nor the wife of some maniac like Hitler was, but it´s hard to fight the urges you feel inside you right?

Poor Eva was Hitler's mistress for 12 years until they got married and they stayed alive and married for a whole 40 hours until committing a simultaneous suicide. The best part is he really did love her too and confessed she was the love of his life and the only one for him really but he thought she was to young to be the wife of such a big dictator. Probably thought she could not handle the responsibility whatever it may have been.Well they at least both got happy ending and died in each others arms. Happy ending or whatever.....

You can get better acquainted with Eva right here ;)

Until death do us part

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